Saturday, February 27, 2010


So today was a little bit of a gloomy was warm enough to go outside, which was AWESOME!!!! Since we've been cooped inside thanks to the cold all winter, Emily and I jumped at the chance to be outside today. We took a walk to the park and just enjoyed swinging and talking and breathing in the fresh air! Here are a few pictures from the outing:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

ethan brady jewell part 2

So this last weekend I spent a ton of time at my sisters house and my nephew is the CUTEST thing on earth! As promised, here are more pictures :)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Yeah! ETHAN IS HERE!! I'm finally an aunt! I haven't seen Ethan yet, but I get to go home and see him tomorrow, and I couldnt be more excited! Here are a few picture my mom emailed me....I'll add some more pictures after I get them :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

back to the drawing board!

so, I haven't drawn anything in ages....but now (thanks to my art education class) i am drawing a bit again! Here is a rose I drew for an assignment week i have to do this same rose in watercolor! YIKES! (the shine on the picture is just because of all the graphite on the page) and here is the watercolor version!